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Global Competitiveness Program for SMEs

Programa de Competitividad Global para PyMES

Director: Prof. Giuseppe Canullo

The call for applications is open now: click here to file yours!

The Global Competitiveness Program for SMEs (GCPyMES) is an international training program to do consulting work, especially focused on Small and Medium Enterprises that aim to enter international markets.

It is a partnership  between the Faculty of Economics “Giorgio Fuà” and the Facultad de Ciencias Económicas of the Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL), Santa Fe, Argentina.

The project aims at improving students’ intercultural experience, by working in international teams doing business consulting and solving real problems for real companies of the Santa Fe (Argentina) area.

Teams must prepare a business report and the recommandations to be delivered, at the end of the programme, to the client company’s managers. Professors from both Faculties will act as advisors to the teams.

The Program involves the partecipation of Italian, Argentinian and Brazilian students of the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Due to its International character, the entire program is conducted in English.



Programme Purposes

■ Get practical experience in solving a real business problem for a real company;

■ Prepare a professional consultancy report for the client company;

■ Work and develop skills in an intercultural team;

■ Learn about Mercosur business environment;

■ Get a first hand knowledge of Mercosur markets.


Location and Dates

The programme starts  in Santa Fe at the end of July with the visit to the client companies and last two weeks. The program ends with the presentation of the report and the recommendations to the companies’ managers.


About Santa Fe

For detailed information about Santa Fe, its culture, schedules, transport, and other areas of interest,

please visit:

For application deadlines, selection criteria and other information please contact